to contain
- <DOMElement> [not] to contain <DOMElement|object|string>
- <DOMElement> [not] to contain <ReactElement>
Assert that an element contain a given JSX structure.
This assertion just renders the JSX structure and uses unexpected-dom to assert that the subject contains a descendant element satisfying the given element.
const React = require("react");
const Hello = ({ children }) => (
<span className="label">Hello</span>
<span className="fancy-label name">{children}</span>
<Hello>Jane Doe</Hello>,
'when mounted',
'to contain',
<span className="fancy-label name">Jane Doe</span>
The assertion allows you to leave out attributes you don't care about, or ignore complete sub-trees:
const { Ignore } = require('unexpected-reaction');
<Hello>Jane Doe</Hello>,
'when mounted',
'to contain',
<span className="name"><Ignore /></span>
In case of a failure, you will get a nice diff:
<Hello>Jane Doe</Hello>,
'when mounted',
'to contain',
<span className="fullname">Jane Doe</span>
<span class="label">Hello</span>
<span class="fancy-label name">Jane Doe</span>
to contain <span class="fullname">Jane Doe</span>
class="fancy-label name"
expected [ 'fancy-label', 'name' ] to contain 'fullname'
>Jane Doe</span>
You can also assert that the element has no descendant elements satisfying the given element:
<Hello>Jane Doe</Hello>,
'when mounted',
'not to contain',
<span className="fullname">Jane Doe</span>