
Inside an assertion that takes another assertion as the last parameter via the <assertion> type, you can use expect.shift to invoke that assertion, optionally replacing the subject with an alternative one.

  '<string> when parsed as an integer <assertion>',
  function (expect, subject) {
    expect(subject, 'to match', /^[1-9][0-9]*$/);
    return expect.shift(parseInt(subject, 10));
expect('42', 'when parsed as an integer', 'to be greater than', 10);

If you omit the newSubject parameter to expect.shift, the current subject will be preserved. This is mainly useful for assertions that have side effects, for example mocking out parts of the environment.

It is important that the return value of expect.shift is returned (or yielded as the fulfillment value of a promise) from your assertion. That way everything will work out when delegating to an asynchronous assertion, ie. one that returns a promise. The promise will then be propagated correctly.

Promise-based flows

If your assertion does not take an <assertion> as a parameter, or if it optionally takes one via <assertion?> and is invoked without, expect.shift will propagate its argument as the fulfillment value of the promise returned from your assertion:

  '<string> [when] parsed as an integer <assertion?>',
  function (expect, subject) {
    expect(subject, 'to match', /^[1-9][0-9]*$/);
    return expect.shift(parseInt(subject, 10));
return expect('42', 'parsed as an integer').then(function (integer) {
  return expect(integer, 'to be within', 30, 50);

Multiple invocations

You can call expect.shift() multiple times in your assertion if you want to delegate to the other assertion several times, optionally with different subjects. Remember that each invocation could result in a promise -- make sure to gather up the return values and use expect.promise.all or a similar construct to resolve them all, for example:

  '<number> up to [and including] <number> <assertion?>',
  function (expect, subject, value) {
    expect.errorMode = 'nested';
    const numbers = [];
    for (
      let i = subject;
      i < (expect.flags['and including'] ? value + 1 : value);
      i += 1
    ) {
    return expect.promise.all(
      numbers.map(function (number) {
        return expect.promise(function () {
          return expect.shift(number);
expect(5, 'up to and including', 100, 'to be greater than', 4);

Again, this has the nice property that the shifted values will be provided as the fulfillment value of the promise if invoked without an assertion:

return expect(10, 'up to', 20).then(function (numbers) {
  expect(numbers, 'to have length', 10);