when fulfilled
- <Promise> when fulfilled <assertion>
Wait for a promise to be fulfilled, then delegate the value to another assertion.
const fulfilledPromise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {setTimeout(function () {resolve(123);}, 1);});return expect(fulfilledPromise, 'when fulfilled', 'to equal', 123);
It works with any assertion or expect.it
return expect(Promise.resolve(123),'when fulfilled',expect.it('to be greater than', 100));
If the response is rejected, the assertion fails with the following output:
const rejectedPromise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {setTimeout(function () {reject(new Error('argh'));}, 1);});return expect(rejectedPromise, 'when fulfilled', 'to equal', 123);
expected Promise when fulfilled to equal 123Promise unexpectedly rejected with Error('argh')