to call the callback with error

  • <function> to call the callback with error <any>
  • <function> to call the callback with error

Asserts that a node.js-style asynchronous function taking a single callback will call it with a truthy value as the first parameter.

function myFailingAsyncFunction(cb) {
  setTimeout(function () {
    cb(new Error('Oh dear'));
  }, 0);
return expect(myFailingAsyncFunction, 'to call the callback with error');

You can assert the error message is a given string if you provide a string as the second parameter.

return expect(
  'to call the callback with error',
  'Oh dear'

A regular expression, Error instance, or an object will also work, as the matching uses to satisfy semantics:

return expect(
  'to call the callback with error',

In case of a failing expectation you get the following output:

return expect(
  'to call the callback with error',
  new Error('foo')
function myFailingAsyncFunction(cb) {
  setTimeout(function () {
    cb(new Error('Oh dear'));
  }, 0);
to call the callback with error Error('foo')
expected Error('Oh dear'to satisfy Error('foo')
'Oh dear'
should equal 
Oh dear

The error passed to the callback is also provided as the fulfillment value of the returned promise, so you can do further assertions like this:

function asyncFn(cb) {
  cb(new Error('yikes'));
return expect(asyncFn, 'to call the callback with error').then(function (err) {
  // err will be new Error('yikes')
  expect(err, 'to have message', 'yikes');