to throw a
- <function> to throw (a|an) <function>
Asserts that the function throws an instance of a specific constructor.
function willThrow() {throw new SyntaxError('The error message');}
expect(willThrow, 'to throw a', SyntaxError);
In case of a failing expectation you get the following output:
expect(willThrow, 'to throw a', RangeError);
expectedfunction willThrow() {throw new SyntaxError('The error message');}to throw a RangeErrorexpected SyntaxError('The error message') to be a RangeError
The assertion also fails if the function doesn't throw at all:
function willNotThrow() {}expect(willNotThrow, 'to throw a', RangeError);
expected function willNotThrow() {} to throw a RangeErrorexpected function willNotThrow() {} to throwdid not throw
The thrown error is provided as the fulfillment value of the returned promise, so you can do further assertions like this:
return expect(willThrow, 'to throw a', SyntaxError).then(function (err) {expect(err, 'to have message', /\bmessage/);});
To test functions that require input wrap the function invocation in an anonymous function:
function willThrow(input) {if (input) throw new SyntaxError('The error message');return input;}expect(function () {willThrow('');},'to throw a',SyntaxError);