Assert that an element contains descendant elements satisfying a given specification.

var element = createElement(`
    <h1 class='title' data-test-id='title'>Assert on text content</h1>
      Learn about howto assert on the text content of a DOM element.
    <p data-test-id='learn'>
      Learn more <a href=''>here</a>.

Expect that an element contains a subtree satisfying a HTML fragment given as string:

expect(element, 'to contain', '<h1>Assert on text content</h1>');

You can also assert against a DOM element:

expect(element, 'to contain', createElement('<h1>Assert on text content</h1>'));

Finally you can also use the full power of to satisfy where you provide the subtree you expect the subject to contain:

expect(element, 'to contain', {
  children: [
      name: 'a',
      attributes: {
        href: '',
      children: ['here'],

When the assertion fails you get a nice descriptive error:

expect(element, 'to contain', '<h1 class="heading">Assert on all content</h1>');
<h1 class="title" data-test-id="title">
Assert on text content
Learn about howto assert on the text content of a DOM element.
Learn more
to contain <h1 class="heading">Assert on all content</h1>
expected [ 'title' ] to contain 'heading'
Assert on text content 
should equal 
Assert on all content
Assert on text content
Assert on all content

You can also assert that the element has no descendant elements satisfying the given specification:

  'not to contain',
  '<h1 class="heading">Assert on all content</h1>'